They have been telling their plans for us for a while. I like reading comments on the YouTube I watch. Both positive like old songs and negative like this one.
Except these comments are not so much negative as they are affirming that the truth is recognized. Doing something about it is a different subject.
Have you seen the PBS special "Octopus: Making Contact"? A marine biologist and his daughter (from up your way) adopted an octopus as a pet. I happened to catch that one...fascinating stuff. [Rant]Most of these issue would be self-rectifying (as the abortion issue was heading towards in the early 70s), but once it's almost there, outside parties impose their will to (a) prevent us from experiencing the shared success of arriving at the right answer on our own, and (2) imposing a "solution" that further stirs the pot.[/Rant] When I think on the intelligence of pigs, I could easily decide that it's immoral for me to eat pork (the same might apply to cephalopods.) Fortunately, cows and chickens and most fish are not gonna get massive increases of IQ levels (or obtain a "cuddle factor") anytime soon.
It would indeed be a good debate and possibly noteworthy if we could sort out what hundreds of major theologians haven’t figured out yet. In many ways it’s all about what is deemed to be the law of God versus that of mankind. Much of what we read to be the law dealing with unclean things was actually placed there by the elders and later carried through by the Pharisees. For instance: we have Jesus answering the Pharisees regarding the washing of hands in Mark 7:1-5. The practice was found to be more ceremonial than it was for health purposes or what God said to do. It’s a man made law. The practice is indeed practical but it has nothing to do with being closer to God. It was the same when Jesus was questioned about washing his cup and His retort was that it isn’t what a person puts into his mouth that defiles him but what comes out of a person’s mouth that defiles him. (ref Matt. 15:18) The controversy followed between Peter and Paul even after Peter had the dream about the sheet containing a myriad of foods including those that were deemed unclean. Peter wouldn’t even eat with the Gentiles whereas Paul didn’t worry about what foods he ate or who he ate it with more than he worried about preaching the Gospel and a person’s salvation. I look at it this way. If the only thing between me and starving to death was a broiled lobster or fried squid, would I face condemnation for eating it? Maybe if I didn’t put butter on the lobster tail or a nice red sauce with the calamari but other than that, I think not.
It is an interesting topic. It may sound funny, but I can't think of any religion other than Christianity that lack the "reminding rituals" that are incorporated into daily life (public and private) as a sign of (and re-dedication to) obedience. But we got that Old Testament/New Testament thing going on...the BC/AD split. And we have conflicting New Testament examples. As I've often observed of Judaism, I envy the respectfully passionate debates where people make their case and learn their own positions (an scripture) in the process. Christians seem to prefer to be directed from the pulpit, which in my mind flies in the face of the curtain being torn.
It this a "social justice" kind of thing? Saltwater tanks are not easy (or cheap) to maintain. I gotta think that it rarely ends well.
When we had the restaurant in N. Idaho, I used to keep a few live crawfish in a small tank just to amuse the guests. Every now and then I’d place a nice large one on a table or hide one behind my back and place it on the palm of a closed eyed unsuspecting patron. Too much fun!
Ever since this thread was started, I've had a taste for calamari. Tonight I called the local seafood restaurant and told them I would place an order if they promised to not tell anyone on this thread, due to the sensitive nature of the subject. They reluctantly picked out a squid and fried him up for me, with the admonition that I was to never again end a sentience with a proposition.
I’m really not sure how people started eating squids, lobsters, octopuses etc. Without a batter, sauce and a combination of seasonings, they all taste terrible and add in that they’re not kosher, I’m not at all sure how those foods caught on. Then again, we’re humans. We’re the only species on the planet that will eat something whilst knowing that if it wasn’t prepared properly it will kill you. Said Reiku to Raku, “ Loo ate a blow fish the other day and it killed him but before he died he said the meat was fantastic”! Said Raku to Reiku,, “ Blow fish will probably taste even better with Saki”.