· Havana, Cuba, will serve as the International Jazz Day 2017 Global Host City. Many acclaimed musicians and educators from Cuba and around the world will participate in free jazz performances, master classes, improvisational workshops, jam sessions and community outreach initiatives. http://www.unesco.org/new/en/jazz-day
(This subject may be too esoteric for some members) Match the Instrument to the 10 legendary Jazz musicians who played it: (With some it would be "The Orchestra") Louis Armstrong Benny Goodman Glenn Miller Gene Krupa Duke Ellington Charlie Parker Dizzy Gillespie Dave Brubeck Lionel Hampton Count Basie Jazz Enthusiast Hal
I have no knowledge of jazz beyond the PBS series with Ken Burns (now on Netflix) that I thought was tremendously interesting!
Louis Armstrong ----Trumpet Benny Goodman----Clarinet Glenn Miller----Trombone Gene Krupa----Drums Duke Ellington----Piano Charlie Parker---Alto Sax Dizzy Gillespie----Trumpet Dave Brubeck----Piano Lionel Hampton----Vibraphone Count Basie----Piano
WOW, Lon! You are 100% correct! Your reply assures me that this important era of American music was not forgotten! I respect you all the more for the knowledge you have shown! Feel free to quiz me now! Hal