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A Look At The Second Amendment

Discussion in 'Constitution & Bill of Rights' started by James Hintze, May 25, 2022.

  1. Hedi Mitchell

    Hedi Mitchell Supreme Member

    Mar 18, 2017
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    When door is closed- it is private - door open becomes public. Like having a private conversation in a public place. Just say'en;)
    Bobby Cole likes this.
  2. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    You’re making way too much out of it Cody. In my neighborhood, noses get cut off if they are stuck in the wrong place.
  3. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    I think you pretty much nailed it. In the Army it was a clip for the .45 and anything resembling a rifle got a magazine or belt.
    Don Alaska likes this.
  4. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    At least one person here in Millinocket has a working cannon, and he fires it off from time to time.

    The fact that law enforcement tells people to be busybodies doesn't redefine them as anything but busybodies. Several innocent people have been arrested or killed because of reports from people who should have minded their own business, and countless law enforcement hours have been wasted.

    I have lived in many small towns and, while people tend to know a lot of things about one another, people in small towns are hesitant to report people to the police because the chances are very good that everyone will soon know who reported them to the police, including the person who was reported. This is why some bars and restaurants were able to remain open during our governor's mandated Covid closures in areas not dominated by progressive Democrats. In such places, even the progressive Democrats were hesitant to make reports because they have to live in close proximity to the people who would be reported, as well as their relatives, friends, and customers..

    Now, if someone were abusing a child or stealing from other people, they would likely be reported, but there is a much higher degree of sensitivity over things that aren't anyone else's business, or shouldn't be anyone else's business, such as victimless crimes or violations of rules that shouldn't be there to begin with.
    Last edited: May 27, 2022
  5. Ralf Mannheim

    Ralf Mannheim Well-Known Member

    May 22, 2022
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    2A is based on three things: the natural right to defend oneself following English common law, the need for the states to defend themselves using militias (which were also used as slave patrols), and the need for the federal government to maintain a small standing army and require the states to send militias to supplement it in times of war and emergencies.

    Hence, there's Art. 1 Sec. 8 of the Constitution calling for regulated militias to serve the federal government, and the Militia Acts calling for mandatory military service of most males of a certain age range as part of those militias.

    A hundred years later, the government discovered that militias were not sufficient, especially given greater technological advancement and the use of mass, mechanized armies. Decades after, militia requirements were dropped in favor of police systems and the National Guard. Mandatory service was replaced by conscription. Meanwhile, various local laws were used to abridge the right to bear arms.

    And then decades after that, conscription was replaced by registration with the possibility of conscription.
  6. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    So now we have a revelation by the all knowing goddess of The View watching left, ABC’s Joy Behar, that will ultimately determine the future of the 2nd Amendment.

    Ms. Behar said that once Black people get hold of guns then the laws will change.
    (Let that soak in).
    Moreover, those words from the highly educated seer were verified by the interim host, Sunny whatshername, by saying, Yes, that’s what happened when the Black Panthers got guns.

    Thomas Stillhere and Don Alaska like this.
  7. Ralf Mannheim

    Ralf Mannheim Well-Known Member

    May 22, 2022
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    Reminds me of that article "The Secret History of Guns":


  8. Thomas Stillhere

    Thomas Stillhere Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2021
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    TV today has very low standards. How do they stay on the air with such simple minded content. Oh I know, all the old soaps are gone now so maybe it's a filler to take up un-watched air time
  9. John Brunner

    John Brunner Senior Staff
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    May 29, 2020
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    You do ask a good question...who funds this stuff?
    Bobby Cole likes this.
  10. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    I liken the View with the Jerry Springer show. Every now and then the View has some real person with a real brain but it’s mostly trashy folks doing what trashy people do.
    It’s all sensationalism and I really believe that even the audience either consists of those who couldn’t get tickets for the Springer show or are tired of going to the zoo to watch the monkeys pick their noses.

    When it comes to Behar, Whoopi and Sunny, who on God’s green earth could be sooooo ignorant and still be continually allowed to say such stupid things on a daily basis unless it was intentional and faux ignorance a highly paid commodity?
    When we examine some of the stuff that the MSM is putting out on the airwaves and cable, there’s obviously a heavy duty market for dumb and dumber otherwise there wouldn’t be so much of it.

    To examine things further, how many politicians go on air to show how truly ignorant they are about guns? Most of them know that they are making false statements but they also know that they can feed the unknowing absolute junk because some people like sensationalism more than facts.
    Don Alaska likes this.

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